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Naturalized Basin & Open Space Program

Doylestown Township is in the process of naturalizing basins, which transforms a conventional basin into a natural ecosystem capable of providing habitat improving the water quality and providing aesthetic value. This transformation is a tool that the Township has chosen to use in order to obtain the goals of our Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP). By reducing and controlling the pollutants in stormwater as part of the PRP, we can ensure that the requirements of our Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) program will be met. This program is mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and requires municipalities to implement a series of programs. These programs are intended to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the storm sewer system while protecting water quality.

The Township has identified 26 Township-owned and maintained basins as potential candidates for naturalization. The Township has been evaluating them looking at factors like functionality, existing vegetation, and maintenance concerns to determine whether or not they will be included in the program. Once the basins are selected for the program, inspection reports will be prepared for recommendations or changes to make moving forward. Basins that are part of the naturalization program will be monitored on an annual or as needed basis. The Township will determine what maintenance changes and modifications need to be made each year.

Currently, three basins were naturalized in 2021 which included Ridings at Covered Bridge Basin on Ridings Lane, Mystic View Lane, and Longwood Circle. If you have any questions regarding naturalized basins, please contact the Township at 215- 348-9915.

•Reduces pollutants in runoff
•Improves water quality
•Reduces air pollution from gas-powered mower use
•Reduces maintenance costs
•Reduces Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) costs
•Improves groundwater recharge
•Increases infiltration
•Enhances aesthetics
•Creates wildlife habitat
•Removes invasive plants

There should be no dumping of any kind in the basins whether they are naturalized or not including yard waste. Naturalized basins are not the same as a compost site. The dumping of yard waste could enable the growth of invasive plants and it will be costly to the Township to remove the invasive plant materials. Signs are in the process of being posted on naturalized basins to educate the public on this program.